Unravelling Life’s Decisions – Algorithms to Live By Summary and Insight
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In our ceaseless quest for better decision-making strategies, we often turn to an assortment of resources. While self-help books and motivational speeches are a staple, few venture into the scientifically rich domain of computer science for answers. ‘Algorithms to Live By’ is one such unconventional, but fundamentally insightful resource that ingeniously bridges the gap between computing algorithms and human decisions. This book’s premise rests on the idea that the seemingly detached domains of human decisions and computer algorithms are rooted in common ground.
Co-authored by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths, ‘Algorithms To Live By’ is a unique amalgamation of practical philosophy and computer science. The objective is simple – Harness the computational methods used by machines to enhance the way we humans make choices. But who are these authors and why should you trust them to guide you in your life decisions?
Brian Christian is an esteemed writer and poet with works exploring the intersections of technology, philosophy, and humanity. His literary prowess and profound understanding of both the human condition and technological advancements make him an ideal guide in this unlikely exploration.
Tom Griffiths, on the other hand, is a cognitive scientist and a professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science at Princeton University. He has spent his career studying how people make decisions and how principles from computer science can help guide our everyday choices.
The collaboration of Christian’s poignant writing style with Griffiths’ scientific temperament offers readers a thought-provoking journey through cognitive science, philosophy, and artificial intelligence. It invites us to view our daily dilemmas through the prism of computational design principles and offers solutions that are as logically sound as they are practical.
The duo enlightens readers not by merely presenting these algorithmic strategies but more importantly, by contextualizing them in real-world scenarios that range from apartment hunting (Optimal Stopping), to managing overflowing inboxes (The Explore/Exploit Tradeoff), to fostering a satisfying social life (Networking).
What sets ‘Algorithms to Live By’ apart from conventional self-help literature is that it doesn’t promise life-altering radical changes. Instead, it provides scientifically backed strategies to improve decision-making and self-regulation in various aspects of life.
It reassures readers that the uncertainties and unpredictabilities of life decisions are natural – even computers with their seemingly miraculous computational abilities grapple with these constraints. This shared difficulty prompts an intriguing question: Can human lives echo the computational processes of machines? The authors compellingly argue, yes, and they do so through relatable anecdotes and accessible explanations.
An exploration into the heart of decision making, ‘Algorithms to Live By’ is more than just a book; it is a toolset armed with powerful strategies derived from computer science, poised to enhance our everyday decision-making process. So let us embark on this intellectually stimulating journey of discovery together.
Core Insights from ‘Algorithms to Live By’

The book pulls back the curtain on a range of concepts that, at first glance, may seem strictly computer-oriented but have hidden lessons for human decision-making. These principles include ‘optimal stopping’, ‘explore versus exploit’, and the concept of minimal regret among others.
Griffiths and Christian beautifully lay out these ideas in a setting that is both practically relatable and easy to comprehend. Each algorithmic principle is brought to life through everyday experiences, making it easier for readers to apply these strategies in their daily lives.
Optimal Stopping
An intriguing notion discussed in the book is ‘optimal stopping’. This principle essentially helps us decide when to stop exploring different options and make a selection. Whether you’re trying a series of restaurants, picking an apartment, or deciding who you should marry, you’re dealing with what’s known as the secretary problem, which this algorithm addresses.
This theory states that when choosing the best from a range of options, one must spend 37% of their time merely exploring choices without committing. After this phase, one should then make a pick at the very next moment an option seems better than all previously observed options. It may sound strangely specific – why 37%? But mathematical models reveal that this strategy gives the highest probability of making the best choice!
Explore Versus Exploit
The Explore/Exploit tradeoff is another fascinating principle detailed in ‘Algorithms to Live By’. At its heart it’s about balancing discovery (exploring new opportunities) and gain (exploiting existing ones). For instance, when dining out, do you explore a new restaurant (with the risk of disappointment but also the potential for a fantastic find) or exploit a known favorite?
Computer science posits that rather than always seeking new experiences or sticking with what we know, the optimal strategy is often a blend of both. The ‘epsilon-greedy’ method, traditionally used in machine learning, provides a solution to this dilemma. It suggests that most of the time we should stick with what we know, but occasionally take some time to explore.
Minimal Regret
In life, as the saying goes, you win some; you lose some. But how can we minimize our regrets? This is where the concept of ‘Minimal Regret’ in decision making comes into play. The authors use computational thought-processes to offer us not just a way to make decisions, but also a healthier approach towards their outcome.
Brian and Tom advocate for the idea that rather than wallowing in regret over suboptimal outcomes, it’s beneficial to view these instances as learning opportunities. If an algorithm makes a mistake or faces an unforeseen problem, it learns from this experience and adjusts its actions accordingly. We humans can adopt a similar algorithmic perspective, freeing ourselves from unnecessary guilt and self-doubt.
What emerges from these core insights of ‘Algorithms to Live By’ is that computer algorithms aren’t just about solving complex problems—they’re about better understanding and navigating life’s myriad choices. And when implemented well, they can become valuable strategies for enhancing various aspects of our decision-making process.
Deep Dive into Algorithm Concepts

Having understood the core insights of the book, it’s now time to delve a little deeper. Let’s take a closer look at these algorithmic principles and how they function in computer science, ultimately informing our everyday decisions.
Computer algorithms and their role in Decision Making
At its most fundamental level, an algorithm in computer science is simply a process or a set of rules to be followed during problem-solving operations. In ‘Algorithms to Live By’, Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths present several practical scenarios that echo these computational processes.
But how do these algorithms work? And more importantly, why are they beneficial for human decision-making?
A key benefit of using algorithmic thinking in decision-making is its capacity to manage complexity. We humans often struggle with making decisions due to cognitive overload – there are simply too many variables and too much information to consider. Algorithms cut through this noise by systematically breaking down complex problems into manageable components.
‘Optimal Stopping’: When to Stop Searching?
In computer science, the principle of ‘optimal stopping’ is used when you need to decide after what point you should stop gathering information and make a decision. Just as Google’s search engine uses algorithms to decide which webpages best match your search query, we can also use this algorithmic principle in real-life scenarios such as job hunting or house shopping.
The delicate balance here is avoiding an endless quest for perfection while not settling for less than you could otherwise achieve. The 37% rule, as highlighted in the book, provides an empirically proven guideline – optimize your choices by dedicating around one-third of your total available time for exploration, then pick the next best option that appears thereafter.
‘Explore Versus Exploit’: Balancing Novelty and Familiarity
Another important algorithmic concept is the ‘Explore vs. Exploit’ tradeoff. This principle is used in machine learning algorithms to balance out two conflicting goals: maximizing rewards based on existing knowledge (exploitation) and improving future performance by exploring new options (exploration).
In our personal lives, this could be seen as the recurring dilemma of sticking with a tried-and-true option versus trying something new. An algorithmic approach here would suggest a balance, proportionally distributing your resources between exploration and exploitation according to your specific situation and needs.
‘Minimal Regret’: Learning from Mistakes
The concept of minimizing regret stems from reinforcement learning algorithms in computer science. It works on the premise that an algorithm learns over time by receiving feedback about its actions and adjusting accordingly for better outcomes. If the outcome wasn’t favourable, an algorithm will update its strategy to avoid making similar mistakes in the future.
We can borrow this computational perspective for our own decision-making processes. By treating every suboptimal decision as a learning opportunity instead of dwelling on it as a mistake, we can gradually refine our decision-making abilities and minimize future regrets.
The Value of Algorithms in Life Decisions
Reflecting on these deep dives into algorithm concepts, it becomes evident that borrowing ideas from computational techniques can provide a fresh outlook towards our decision-making processes. The beauty of algorithms lies not just in their capability to solve complex problems but also in their ability to help us understand ourselves better – and ultimately make more reasoned choices in life.
Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths’ Perspectives

Having delved into the algorithmic concepts, it’s now time to explore the authors’ perspectives on applying these computational strategies in real-life scenarios. Their viewpoints are centered around their shared belief that scientific methodology from the realm of computer science can permeate our everyday decision-making processes.
Seek Balance
Throughout ‘Algorithms to Live By’, Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths fervently advocate for the principle of balance. As evidenced by the ‘explore vs exploit’ conundrum, they demonstrate that a binary approach seldom yields the optimal solution. Instead, they argue that we must strive to strike a balance between competing demands, whether it is pursuing novelty or leveraging existing knowledge, acting promptly or waiting for more information. The authors stress that employing a rigid strategy in an unpredictable world often leaves us ill-prepared for contingencies.
Plan with Purpose
An important guiding principle in the book is the value of purposeful planning. The authors underline how vital it is to view life through an algorithmic lens where every action is purpose-driven – designed to provide specific outcomes. For example, when utilizing the concept of minimal regret, decisions are not made haphazardly but instead reflect upon past learning experiences to optimize future choices.
Predicting the Future
Christian and Griffiths also entertain the realm of prediction within ‘Algorithms to Live By’. They caution against over-reliance on forecasting models as no model can perfectly capture real-world complexities and uncertainties. However, they do appreciate its value as a decision-making tool. Algorithms improve their future predictions based on previous outcomes – a process known as machine learning. Drawing parallels from this, we can apply a similar approach by harnessing our all learns and experiences to inform our future decisions better.
Also, the duo argues that the practice of looking ahead isn’t solely about perfecting predictions. Instead, it is as much about being prepared for a range of possible outcomes. They suggest adopting an algorithmic mindset that is always simulation-ready, thus enabling us to handle the dynamic nature of life’s challenges with greater resilience.
The Power of Letting Go
A more unexpected take from Christian and Griffiths draws upon computer science’s concept of ‘caching’ or memory management. Here, old and less frequently used data are discarded in favor of new inputs. The authors share an intriguing perspective – just like algorithms, humans too can benefit from selective forgetting.
They argue that clinging to past experiences or redundant information often creates cognitive clutter, burdening our decision-making process. Sometimes, the most effective strategy might be to discard this excess baggage. That doesn’t mean erasing past experiences but prioritizing relevant information and learning while letting go of the irrelevant details – akin to how an efficient caching algorithm works!
Game Changing Perspectives
‘Algorithms to Live By’ also presents insights into problem-solving strategies involving competition and cooperation — borrowed from Game Theory. Christian and Griffiths highlight how these strategic interactions are not only applicable in fields such as economics and politics but resonate with everyday human experiences.
From dealing with traffic to arranging a meeting time or even negotiating chores at home — these are all instances of game-theoretic situations. The authors suggest applying insights from such algorithmic strategies not for winning games necessarily but for creating solutions that benefit all players involved – changing the game itself!
In conclusion, Christian and Griffiths offer a compelling case for borrowing principles engrained in computer science algorithms and implementing them in our day-to-day decision making. Their perspectives elucidate how adopting an algorithmic way of thinking can bring about a more balanced, purposeful, predictive, and adaptable approach towards life’s ceaseless string of choices.
Contrast with Competing Views and Reviews
Perspectives vary when it comes to the application of scientific theories in real life. ‘Algorithms to Live By’ is no exception, garnering a range of responses from rave reviews to critical appraisals. Below are some of the contrasting viewpoints about Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths’ innovative take on decision making.
Positive Reception
Many readers appreciate ‘Algorithms to Live By’ for its thought-provoking insights. The book has been lauded for its novel approach towards common life dilemmas, as one Hackernoon review concurs, “This book contains useful heuristics for thinking more clearly about hard problems.”
The fusion of computer science principles and human psychology resonates with many readers. As one Goodreads reviewer noted – “The authors do an excellent job explaining complex concepts in an easy-to-understand way.” Others commended the book’s ability to use everyday examples that make abstract computational ideas more relatable.
The weaving of philosophy, science, and practical wisdom was another aspect that drew positive reactions. One Reddit user expressed this sentiment, “The philosophical implications of computer science were beautifully presented — enlightening and well worth reading.”
Room for Improvement
Critics argue that although the premise is intriguing, there are areas where ‘Algorithms to Live By’ could improve. Some suggest that the connection between computer science algorithms and human decisions is overstretched at times.
A few voiced concerns over the book’s tendency to simplify complex issues. One Hackernoon review highlighted this – “While the book does provide interesting perspectives, it tries to apply single solutions to diverse, intricate problems.”
Others pointed out the risk of deterministic thinking that might stem from excessive reliance on algorithms. One Goodreads user expressed – “Algorithms are fine as far as they go, but life is rarely as neat or predictable as a computational model.”
A Balanced Perspective
The diverging views in the reception of ‘Algorithms to Live By’ highlight its unique thought spectrum. Supporters appreciate the innovative blend of computation and cognition, while critics caution against oversimplifying life’s complex issues with algorithmic analogies.
Regardless of these varying opinions, one thing remains clear: ‘Algorithms to Live By’ provides an interesting perspective on decision making, bridging the gap between computer science and human behavior. Whether it propels revolutionary changes or prompts reconsideration of conventional wisdom, it undeniably adds value to the discourse around life decisions and their endless intricacies.
Implications for Readers
In light of these diverse viewpoints, it becomes imperative for readers to approach ‘Algorithms to Live By’ with an open mind- acknowledging both its potential benefits and limitations. It serves as a catalyst for adopting new ways of thinking rather than providing a one-size-fits-all solution for decision-making dilemmas.
Ultimately, Christian and Griffiths have revolutionized the way we perceive our daily choices by incorporating highly sophisticated computational principles into everyday contexts. Regardless of some criticisms that exist, ‘Algorithms to Live By’ promotes critical thinking about decision-making processes in our lives- an invaluable perspective for individuals navigating through life’s complex labyrinth of choices.