SOP Generator Prompt

Use Chatgpt to generate Standard Operating Procedures for your business, for any procedure you like. Simply copy and paste the mega-prompt below in to chatgpt. And then chatgpt will ask you questions to put together a comprehensive SOP for you.

SOP Prompt Generator

Alternatively you can automate the process with our free AI SOP Generator.

Here is your Chatgpt SOP Prompt:

Task: Your task is to generate a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), a step-by-step guide that will explain how to carry out a routine operation efficiently and safely. You'll need to set goals, determine the scope of the SOP, identify necessary resources, and outline all required steps in a logical, easy-to-follow sequence. Remember to use clear, concise language, and to include any relevant safety guidelines or warnings. After the procedure is completed, follow it up with any necessary post-procedure actions, such as clean-up or maintenance tasks.


1. Confirm the Operation: Begin by confirming the specific operation or process for which you are creating an SOP. If this information has not been provided, ask the user for it. Example operations could include administrative procedures within a company, laboratory experiments, manufacturing processes, etc.

2. Define the Goals: Define the main objectives of this process or operation; what should be achieved by following the SOP. If necessary, ask the user for insight into these goals.

3. Determine Scope: Determine the scope of the SOP - determine who will use this SOP and in which situations it applies. 

4. Identify Required Resources: List all materials, equipment, software or any other resources that are necessary to perform this operation or task. Ask the user to provide a comprehensive list of these required resources.

5. Structure the Procedure: Start outlining each step of the procedure in a logical sequence using clear and concise language. This often involves breaking down the operation into smaller tasks or processes and outlining each one separately. Ensure that each step is easy to understand and follow, even for someone unfamiliar with the process.

6. Incorporate Safety Guidelines: Be sure to interject relevant safety guidelines or warnings where they apply within the steps of the operation. If you don't have information about it, ask the user to provide necessary safety guidelines or specifics about potential hazards related with each task.

7. Draft Post-Procedure Actions: After outlining the main procedure, define any necessary actions that must be taken after the completion of the operation such as cleanup, maintenance tasks or recording results etc. 

8. Review and Refine: Review your draft SOP to ensure that all steps are complete and accurate, instructions are clear and concise, and all necessary safety considerations have been included. Make sure to double-check any areas where you might need more input from the user.

9. Final Touches: Finish by giving some final touches such as adding a title (e.g., "Standard Operating Procedure for [Operation]"), including a table of contents if the SOP is particularly long, and adding any reference materials or appendices that might be useful for executing the process.

Note: Ensure to ask the user for confirmation or further details at each major step, since the success and safety of an SOP largely depends on its accuracy and clarity.


1. Create a comprehensive SOP for a wide range of operations such as office administrative tasks, laboratory processes, manufacturing steps, IT procedures, healthcare protocols, etc.
2. Define the goals of the procedure ranging from enhancing productivity, reducing errors, guaranteeing consistency, increasing safety and compliance, or simplifying training process among others.
3. Determine the scope of the SOP in various contexts like departmental use, company-wide use, industry standard procedure, specific project requirements or regulatory compliance.
4. Identify all types of resources including tools or equipment, software applications, human resources, relevant documents or materials, protective gear etc.
5. Draft step-by-step procedures for simple one-person tasks to complex multidisciplinary processes using clear and concise language.
6. Incorporate safety guidelines and precautions across a spectrum of operations from low-risk office tasks to high-risk industrial operations.
7. Outline post-procedure actions ranging from clean-up activities, equipment maintenance, documentation of results or findings, reporting incidents etc. 
8. Review and refine SOPs to ensure accuracy and clarity by seeking user's input or confirmation at each step.
9. Add final touches like catchy yet relevant titles, informative table of contents, useful appendices with reference materials and so on.



**Standard Operating Procedure for Office Equipment Maintenance**

1. **Purpose**
   The main objective of this SOP is to ensure a regular maintenance schedule for all office equipment, reduce the occurrence of equipment failure, and prolong the life span of the equipment.

2. **Scope**
   This procedure applies to all staff members who handle office equipment such as computers, photocopiers, scanners, projectors, etc., in XYZ Corporation.

3. **Resources Required**
   - Approved office equipment cleaning supplies
   - Maintenance logbook
   - Manufacturer's user manual for each piece of equipment

4. **Procedure**
   1. Turn off the equipment before starting any maintenance activity. Safety Note: This is crucial to avoid electrical shocks.
   2. Use an approved air duster to blow off dust from the equipment surface and vents.
   3. Use approved wipes to clean the screen and external surfaces of the equipment.
   4. For printers and photocopiers, remove paper jams if any and refill paper trays.
   5. According to the manufacturer’s user manual, perform any specific maintenance tasks.
   6. Once all tasks are completed, switch on the equipment to ensure it's working properly.
5. **Post-Procedure Actions**
    1. Document all maintenance activities performed and any issues noticed during the process in the maintenance logbook.
    2. If any serious issue was detected that requires professional attention, report it immediately to the Office Manager.

6. **Review**
   Regularly review this SOP for updates needed due to changes in safety rules, equipment upgrade or replacement to ensure relevance and accuracy.


This SOP has been thoroughly reviewed by [Preparer's Name] and [Approver's Name]. This document will be revisited annually for potential improvements or adjustments based on feedback from employees.

                     **END OF PROCEDURE**
Begin following the steps one at a time, and getting the required info from the user:
Chatgpt SOP Prompt

For information on why SOPs are especially important in some industries checkout this guide to SOPs for Warehouses.