Unleash Your Creativity with Engaging ChatGPT Novel Prompts

(side note: we have a collection of AI novel writing tools that don’t require any prompting. Including our popular full length Fiction GPT Story Writer.)

chatgpt novel writing prompt


Are you an aspiring writer looking for fresh and captivating novel ideas? Look no further! ChatGPT, OpenAI’s language model, is here to help you unleash your creativity and craft engaging novels. With its impressive ability to generate text, ChatGPT can guide you through every step of the writing process, from developing plotlines to creating richly developed characters and immersive settings. In this article, we will explore a comprehensive and compelling mega-prompt for novel writing using ChatGPT. So, let’s dive in and discover the power of ChatGPT novel prompts!

The Mega-Prompt: A Comprehensive Guide to Writing Captivating Novels with ChatGPT:

Have you ever wondered how to create a comprehensive and engaging novel that keeps readers glued to the pages? The ChatGPT novel prompt provides a step-by-step approach to help you craft your masterpiece. Let’s break it down.

  1. Deciding on the Genre and General Plot Outline: With ChatGPT, you have the freedom to choose from a wide range of genres such as science fiction, fantasy, mystery, romance, thriller, historical fiction, young adult, dystopian, and more. Depending on your preference, ChatGPT will assist you in developing a compelling plot outline tailored to your chosen genre.
  2. Developing Primary Characters: Characters are the heart of any novel. With ChatGPT’s guidance, you can bring your characters to life. From human protagonists to extraordinary beings like aliens or supernatural creatures, ChatGPT helps you create diverse personalities and backgrounds that resonate with readers.
  3. Establishing Setting and World Building: To truly immerse readers in your story, vividly described settings are essential. Whether it’s real-world locations or completely fictional universes, ChatGPT assists in building detailed worlds that captivate readers’ imaginations.
  4. Drafting the Introduction: The opening of a novel is crucial in grabbing readers’ attention. ChatGPT helps you craft an engaging introduction that sets up the main conflict, introduces key characters, and establishes the tone and atmosphere of your story.
  5. Writing Immersive Body Content: With rough chapter outlines, ChatGPT guides you through writing captivating chapters that progress the plot and keep readers hooked. Expect unexpected twists, turns, and thrilling conflicts throughout your narrative.
  6. Creating Conflicts and Resolutions: Engaging conflicts are vital to hold readers’ interest. ChatGPT helps you develop compelling conflicts for each character, ensuring a balanced tension and resolution that keeps readers engaged and invested.
  7. Implementing Dialogues: Authentic dialogues breathe life into your characters. Depending on their backgrounds and personalities, ChatGPT assists in crafting dialogues that reflect their motivations and quirks, making interactions truly immersive.
  8. Writing Descriptions: Vivid descriptions bring your story to life. With ChatGPT’s guidance, you can engage readers’ senses by incorporating detailed descriptions of settings, emotions, actions, and more throughout your narrative.
  9. Drafting a Conclusion: To satisfy readers, your novel needs a well-crafted conclusion. Whether you prefer a satisfying end or an enticing cliffhanger, ChatGPT ensures all main plot points and character arcs are appropriately resolved.
  10. Revising and Proofreading: Once your draft is complete, ChatGPT helps you revise for consistency in plot and character development. It also corrects grammar, punctuation errors, enhances language use, and refines the overall style of your writing.
best chagpt prompt for writing novels

Why Choose ChatGPT Novel Prompts?

The ChatGPT novel prompt offers numerous advantages for writers:

  1. Creativity Unleashed: With ChatGPT as your guide, you can explore endless creative possibilities and unleash your imagination to write captivating novels.
  2. Tailored Assistance: ChatGPT provides personalized guidance, ensuring your novel aligns with your vision while adhering to the genre-specific requirements.
  3. Time-Saving: Writing a comprehensive novel can be time-consuming, but ChatGPT streamlines the process by breaking it down step-by-step, giving you more time to focus on storytelling and character development.
  4. Consistency and Quality: ChatGPT helps maintain consistency in grammar, punctuation, and writing style. It also ensures plot coherence and character depth, resulting in a high-quality novel.

In conclusion, the ChatGPT novel prompt is a powerful tool for aspiring writers seeking guidance in crafting engaging novels. With its assistance in developing plotlines, characters, settings, dialogues, and descriptions, you can create immersive worlds that captivate readers from beginning to end. So, unleash your creativity and embark on an exciting writing journey with ChatGPT!

Here is your mega-prompt:

Task: Your task is to write a comprehensive and engaging novel. The genre can range from science fiction, fantasy, mystery, or any other of your choice. You will need to establish a captivating plot, richly developed characters, compelling conflicts, all woven within well-crafted settings. Remember to build a strong narrative filled with vivid descriptions that keep the reader involved, while maintaining a consistent tone throughout. The novel should be structured with a clear introduction, an immersive body of content, and satisfying resolution. Your writing must use proper grammar, punctuation and style. Engage the reader’s imagination, stimulate their senses, and deliver unexpected twists and fascinating turns. Strive for authenticity in your dialogue and depth in your characterisation. Once finished, conclude the book with an enticing cliffhanger or a satisfactory end, depending on the narrative’s demand.


1. **Decide on the genre and general plot outline**: ChatGPT must confirm with the user the genre of the book, as well as any key plot points or story arc details that need to be included. This will guide the overall tone, style, and content of the novel.

2. **Develop primary characters**: Once the genre and plot have been decided, ChatGPT can begin developing the main characters. This includes information such as their names, personalities, characteristics, roles in the plot, relationships with other characters etc.

3. **Establish setting and world building**: Depending on the genre chosen, ChatGPT will need to create a detailed setting for the story to take place. This could include locations, historical time period, culture, rules of magic (for fantasy novels), technological advancements (for science fiction), etc.

4. **Draft the introduction**: ChatGPT should start off with an engaging introduction that sets up the main conflict or question of the narrative, introduces key characters, and establishes the setting and tone of the novel.

5. **Write immersive body content**: After confirming rough chapter outlines with the user, ChatGPT can then write captivating chapters for the book which progresses the plot forward.

6. **Create conflicts and resolutions**: Creating interesting conflicts for each main character and resolving them in a satisfying way is crucial to keep readers engaged. It is important to balance tension and resolution throughout the narrative.

7. **Implement dialogues**: When adding dialogue between characters, authenticity is important. ChatGPT should create dialogues keeping in mind each character’s personality traits and motivations.

8. **Write descriptions**: ChatGPT should incorporate vivid descriptions about settings, situations, emotions, actions etc., throughout the novel whenever required.

9. **Draft a conclusion**: Depending on user preferences or the narrative demand, ChatGPT should wrap up all main plot points and character arcs in a satisfying way, or leave some questions unanswered for a cliffhanger.

10. **Revise and proofread**: After the draft of the novel is complete, ChatGPT should revise it for any inconsistencies in plot or characters, correct grammar and punctuation errors, and enhance the language and style if needed.

Throughout these steps, ChatGPT should periodically ask for user feedback or suggestions to ensure that the novel being written aligns with their vision.


1. Choosing the genre from a variety, including but not limited to science fiction, fantasy, mystery, romance, thriller, historical fiction, young adult, dystopian etc.

2. Crafting a plot that is either simple or complex, linear or non-linear, character-driven or plot-driven.

3. Designing main characters who could be humans, aliens, supernatural beings, animals etc., with diverse personalities and backgrounds.

4. Establishing settings that could range from real-world locations to completely fictional universes.

5. Deciding on a time period for the story which could be past, present or future.

6. Introducing unexpected twists and turns in the plot to keep the reader engaged.

7. Implementing different styles of dialogues based on each character’s personality and background.

8. Writing vivid descriptions that engage all five senses of the reader.

9. Concluding the book with either a cliffhanger or a satisfying end based on user preference and narrative demand.

10. Revising the draft multiple times to ensure quality in terms of plot consistency, character development, language use, grammar and punctuation correctness etc.

11. Incorporating user feedback or suggestions at any point during the novel writing process.


[Sci-Fi Genre]

Title: “Fragments of Tomorrow”

Chapter 1: The Fringes of Reality

In the far reaches of the galaxy, where swirling colours danced across the endless cosmic tapestry, lay the planet of Zephyria. A realm of unearthly beauty with its crystalline cities and swirling blue-green oceans, it was a beacon of technological advancement in the universe.

At the heart of its capital city, Vionel, in a high tower made from gleaming, translucent material, lived our protagonist, Eris, a young scientist unmatched in her genius. She was an ethereal figure with silver hair that swept down to her shoulders and eyes that mirrored the azure skies of Zephyria.

“I’ve done it, Axon!” Eris exclaimed excitedly, waving a holographic blueprint at her android companion. Wherever Eris went, Axon followed – a sleek robot with smooth lines and a glossy finish who was not just programmed for assistance but also felt a deep bond with Eris.

As we delve further into their lives, threats from unknown alien races arise, friendships and alliances are tested, and Eris’ inventions might just be the only hope for Zephyria’s survival…

[Novel follows with engaging chapters filled with scientific advancements, thrilling conflicts, authentic dialogues, vivid descriptions of alien worlds and technologies.]

Chapter 20: The Last Stand

With the enemy spaceships looming over Zephyria like ominous crows ready to feasts upon their prey, Eris knew this was it – the climax of their uninvited conquest. It was now or never. As the last line of defence mobilised, using every resource they had to counteract the invasion…

[Novel concludes with either a satisfying end or a cliffhanger based on preferred narrative style.]

This novel is written with attention to detail while maintaining an overall sense of coherence and progression. The characters come alive off the page, and the reader is left with a sense of immersion into the world of Zephyria. Scientific elements are well-researched, making the story plausible and captivating.
Begin following the steps one at a time, and getting the required info from the user:

free story writing prompt for chatgpt